A Wash

LORELAI: If I clean up Hug-a-World, does that cancel out me not getting rid of the boxes?
RORY: I’ll consider it a wash.

A wash, an idiom meaning that something is equal, with neither side having an advantage. It dates to the early twentieth century, and originally meant something disappointing, “a washout”. The meaning has gradually changed to mean that the situation is neither positive nor negative.

“We are supposed to throw like this”

RORY: Just for the record, I’m a girl and we are supposed to throw like this. [throws the ball]

“You throw like a girl” is an insult given to someone, usually male, who throws a ball or object in a manner which is judged to be feeble or incompetent. “The girlie throw” is one which uses the space around the thrower in a restricted manner, with only the hand and forearm being utilised in the movement.

Rory is taking ownership of “throwing like a girl”, and not seeing it as a flaw that needs to be changed or fixed about herself. And in fact, she is successful at the bottle toss game, unlike Jess.

“From your mouth to God’s ears”

LORELAI: Well, here’s hoping your cat exposes itself to you soon.

KIRK: From your mouth to God’s ears.

From your mouth to God’s ears is an idiomatic Yiddish saying, indicating that the speaker wishes whatever has been to come true. Although similar such proverbs can be found in the Bible, the expression only seems to exist in Jewish/Yiddish literature from the middle of the 19th century. The saying is also common in Arabic, and this is possibly its origin.